Saturday, December 19, 2009

After Installing Router Internet Does Not Work

No inspiration this week, nothing new, nothing shocking.
It remains only a cup of tea, the last cigarette and a book by Nietzsche.
And to think that I could go out and spend my first Saturday Sicilian meeting old friends.
When returning "home" after months of absence my first and only thought is to see my family and few friends. Stop. But it seems almost inevitable, at least in this town in southern Italy smiling, escape to a true "rite" (call it that) because of misconceptions and questions that do not fundamentally affect the person that you never asked. The everything is more or less like this:

First question: "Hello vitamiaaaaaaaaaaaa! and what are you doing here ?????"
Answer: "Well Tessore and you?" and meanwhile, with a smile and fintissimo with the face of stupid, try to remember which name has stramaledettissimo the person in front of you.

Second question: "When you come down?"
Answer: "A few days ago and you?" and finally you think you've remembered the name, then the right concerns and begin to wonder if it was what, a few years ago ....;)

Third question: "How do you find yourself ... " (Of course the application does not ever include the name of the city you live in or the right of your choice because obviously you are not alone in wondering who is talking with "
Answer:" Fine, Milan is wonderful, and I am very well but you like you're a. ...?

Fourth question: "A New Year faaaaai that?"
Answer: "I have no idea, I do not want to do anything .... I'd rather go out of this town!" and she nods while trying to remember the question you just did.

Fifth and final question: "When you get?"
Answer: "Right after New Year ... you? And both begin to realize that we ran out of clichés that we have nothing to tell, that basically we do not know if not having that and maybe a few years ago, I was too obnoxious.

followed by 10-15 seconds of silence followed by an "I capitooo VITAM .... SEE YOU!", Then take two steps finally glad it's over even this "record" (I talk too), pull a sigh of relief and suddenly you hear a new hand behind the shoulder that is calling you: "VITAMIAAA !!!!! WHEN you come down ?"....
And then you realize at that time why did you decide to run away from home so soon.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Labiastretching Gallery


I introduce myself, My name is Marco Rastrelli. I am a young writer of both comic erotic (won in 2007 with the designer Vittorio Giorgi first prize in the contest held by the magazine of erotic comics X-Comics with Misty Gale, the superspy ) comics that "normal" (a short comic strip written by me and drawn by the excellent Lorenzo Nuti out in 2010 in the anthology Dreamz the publisher Double Shot ) and editor of several online and print magazines covering the field of Japanese animation ( and Digital Japan, where I was also editor), comics East ( Kappa Magazine Digital Japan, and smoke China) and game ( ).

Although the Internet is rapidly expanding its use in the field of comics is still fairly limited. Sites like Deviantart and blogs have certainly helped many designers and illustrators to submit their art to the public Internet and get in touch with many clients. But very often happens that the time spent by a designer / illustrator to create your own blog, promote or hold the contact is more than what actually goes to the drawing board. Just as often then, the inexperience of the Internet medium can increase the time spent at his promotion, but did not increase its effectiveness.

What I offer is simply my advice on the Internet for the promotion of his art, it is not erotic.

I am currently taking care of the blog Alessandro "Ganassa" Mazzetti, erotic drawings of the team of X-Comics, managing the account on Deviantart , Hentai Foundry and hArtist and administering the electronic correspondence between him and the clients. Future possibilities in which to expand coprendono opening a pay site that would give exclusive access to all the material produced by Alessandro along with many previously unpublished, from the sale of prints / posters, and much more.

For any information please send an email to

Farm Town Blackberry Storm

There is always the same music in my head ....
A song that sounds hauntingly the same things ..
Sweet heart when I entered the silent circle violently and he never stopped playing.
does not have a text but my lullaby colors that create visionary images in my mind.
E 'as black as the sea when it is at the mercy of the wind and makes love to the earth.
E 'as red as blood, blue as the sky, like a garden green and brown as the sand.
E 'lives and feeds on dreams, lives, stories that trace the paths of memory and hope.
E 'pure research of a "nonsense" in my days as defined by the contours.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sunflower For Bigger Breasts

Oui, c'est moi Niklas!

Today I make an official announcement that I think is very important. Niklas, the writer of Misty Gale and other celebrities erotic, it's me. This is obviously irrelevant to many, but for me it is not at all. A little 'experience has taught me that my earlier concerns were nothing more than "mental masturbations" and as such are not considered. This blog, well too long neglected, reopens to talk about all the projects that are more erotic or not involved or that I keep locked in a drawer.

Finally I can tell you about Black City, Misty Gale, Milk Addiction and my new work as agent for the Internet.

And to prove my good will result a sketch / character sheet of Enna, one of the stars of the Black City. The design is quite capable of Lorenzo Nuti .

Black City What's it about? As usual you will not want to know everything at once right?