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You went away too, the immensity of the soul into a smile that I will not see. The hope of an embrace that never will be.
In my memory you were the moon of fire that warmed his thoughts when the sun blinded me and I did not know where to go. 're Gone silent as a leaf and strong as a hurricane. I still dream of being overwhelmed by the pain that made us "our" and demolished ports, borders, window to fly together over the obviousness of the world.
My love, your love life became a thing: the word. The miracle that almost no one considers it necessary. Every single letter accelerated the beating and my blood became gold to be covered by the silence of an autumn day. We have not lost it encountered. Wandered along the roadsides and your hand holding my wrists and your voice seemed to tell me: you exist. We walked out of place on the feast of the "normal" and every goal seemed to be a limit and all fear a challenge. There 're more my soul. No more tears, but blood in my veins to feel. Now and forever.

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